Trebel - Brussels - European Parliament

Year: 2014

Surface: 11.500m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design of the full complex

Chorus Life - Italy - Hotel & Smart District

Year: 2020-2024

Surface: 26.000m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design & BIM project for maintenance


ILOT PASTEUR - Montecarlo - Offices, Commercial

Year: 2021-2024

Surface: 15.000m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design & BIM project for maintenance


262 Fifth Avenue - NY City - Residential Skyscraper

Year: 2022-2024

Surface: 13.000m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design


Orly - Paris - Airport

Year: 2015-2017

Surface: 20.500m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design & BIM project for maintenance

EPFL ME - Lausanne CH - University

Year: 2013-2014

Surface: 5.600m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the final design for architecture and work shop design

Cityringen Metro - Copenhagen - Underground

Year: 2017-2018

Surface: 6.600m2

STUDIO GECOM SRL provided the 3D model, final design for architecture and work shop design

